On Friday, September 16, 2011, Secretary Ken Salazar appointed six new members, and reappointed eight current members to the seventh convening Invasive Species Advisory Committee (ISAC). NISC is pleased to present the members of the seventh convening ISAC among whom is the author of this blog: [http://www.invasivespecies.gov/home_documents/isac_class7.html]
Peter Alpert, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts
Patrick Burch (New)
Dow AgroSciences
Earl Chilton, II, Ph.D.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Joseph DiTomaso, Ph.D. (Reappointed)
University of California, Davis
Otto Doering, III, Ph.D. (Reappointed)
Purdue University
Susan Ellis (reappointed)
California Department of Fish and Game
Amy Frankmann
Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association
Ann Gibbs
Maine Department of Agriculture
(Representing National Plant Board)
Bonnie Harper-Lore (New)
Private Invasive Species Consultant
Scott Hendrick
National Conference of State Legislatures
Phyllis Johnson
University of North Dakota
Eric Lane
Colorado Department of Agriculture
Susan Kedzie (New)
Leech Lake Band Of Ojibwe
Timothy Male
Defenders of Wildlife
Robert McMahon
University of Texas at Arlington N. Marshall Meyers (New)
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
Edward L. Mills, Ph.D. (Reappointed)
Cornell University
Stephen Phillips
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Jamie K. Reaser, Ph.D.
Congruence, LLC
Kristina Serbesoff-King
The Nature Conservancy
Celia Smith, Ph.D.
University of Hawaii
David E. Starling, D.V.M. (Reapponted)
Aqueterinary Services, P.C.
Nathan Stone, Ph.D. (Reappointed)
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
John Peter Thompson
Maryland Nursery and Landscape Association
John Torgan
Save the Bay
Robert Van Steenwyck, Ph.D. (New)
University of California, Berkeley
Jennifer Vollmer, Ph.D.
CPS Timberland
Damon E. Waitt, Ph.D. (Reappointed)
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
University of Texas at Austin
Robert H. Wiltshire (Reappointed)
Invasive Species Action Network
(Representing the Federation of Fly Fishers)